Curitiba Buses (Rede Integrada de Transporte) Curitiba's world renowed bus system features dedicated bus lanes and signal prioritization in corridors that connect nearly every part of the city. Additionally, fares are prepaid at high level platforms to expedite boarding. As a result of these innovations to make buses the fastest mode of transport in the city, about 2.3 million one way trips are made on the Curitiba Rede Integrada de Transporte each day in a city where the entire metropolitan area has under 4 million residents.
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 Busscar Urbanuss Pluss HL113 at Praça Tiradentes, July 17, 2010 |  Caio 21L01 at Praça Tiradentes, July 17, 2010 |  Marcopolo Torino LD035 at Praça Tiradentes, July 17, 2010 |  Mercedes-Benz Neobus CB029 on Rua Manoel Eufrásio at Rua Mal. Hermes, July 17, 2010 |  Marcopolo JL040 on Rua Manoel Eufrásio at Rua Mal. Hermes, July 17, 2010 |  Marcopolo AC180 on Rua Victor Benato at Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente, July 17, 2010 |  Mercedes-Benz Caio BR108 on Rua João Gava at Ópera de Arame, July 17, 2010 |  Double decker bus used on the tourist line on Rua João Gava at Ópera de Arame, July 17, 2010 |  Upper level of the double decker tourist bus, July 17, 2010 |  Caio ML022 at Praça Tiradentes, July 17, 2010 |  Urbano Lopes station, July 18, 2010 |  Autodromo station, July 18, 2010 |  Marcopolo bi-articulated bus, July 18, 2010 |  Scania Busscar, July 18, 2010 |  Mercedes-Benz Neobus BN623 on Rua Pres. Faria at Rua Inácio Lustosa, July 18, 2010
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