MetroBus Schedules Over the Years

MetroBus schedules have changed over time as most things do. Each schedule is color coded based on where it runs. DC routes are green, Maryland routes are blue, and Virginia routes are brown.

The first schedule that should be here is either a 1985 W3 or a 1989 S1-5 schedule. This schedule has a drawing of RTS 9012 or 9112 on the front with the route number(s) printed where the destanation sign would be.

The rest of the schedules will be from the T2 route since I have one of each from that route. The first is the September 4, 1994 schedule. The bus on the front is now a drawing of a Metro Flxible-B. This drawing doesn't have a unit number. Fonts are still the same except for the "destanation sign." This schedule, unlike future T2 schedules, lists both MetroBus and Ride-On as operators of the route (Ride-On operates the T2 Saturday and Sunday but the newer schedules don't say this on the cover).

Next we have the T2 schedule from 1998. It's effective as of June 30, 1996 as noted in the top left corner. The bus on the cover is now a real picture of MAN Articulated 5119 and the Jefferson Memorial in the background with "Welcome Aboard" shown in the destanation sign. Other schedules with this cover show "Special" in the destanation sign. Clearly, WMATA didn't change it for those schedules. Info about Ride-On operating this route is gone from the front of the schedule.

About a year later, we advance to the final MetroBus schedule cover. This one has a drawing of an unidentifiable bus (I can't relate it to anything) with drawing of the Capitol, an Ionic column, and a few flowers. In the upper left corner, we see "A Simple Fare to Anywhere" where we had effective dates. Those are now at the bottom of the schedule. Only WMATA's phone numbers, address, and web site are on the cover, Ride-On operation info is inside. Schedules since November of 1999 for routes who had service added in conjunction of the MetroRail running until 1 AM (now 2 AM) read "New Late Night Service Included" with a picture of a moon with a nightcap on dozing.

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This line has been in operation since